
*Note* The server owner can see what commands you type, they are logged.
Can't use a command? You're probably not the required rank.
This page is always being updated as plugins are changed, added, and removed.

  • /casino add <name> (<type>) - add a new slot machine of the (optionally) specified type
  • /casino edit - edit slot machines and types
  • /casino list - list all existing slot machines
  • /casino reload - reload the configuration file from disk
  • /casino remove <name> - remove a slot machine
  • /casino stats - view global usage statistics (if recorded)
  • /casino types - type management

  • /bombercraft create <X> <Y> - creates arena around you (safe creation)
  • /bombercraft create X Y force - creates arena around you (destroys blocks forever)
  • /bombercraft join <ID> - joins the game (you need to create arena before using this)
  • /bombercraft spectate <ID> - teleports you above arena to spectate existing fight
  • /bombercraft clear <ID> - removes the arena (arena transformed to air)
  • /bombercraft start <ID> - starts the game
  • /bombercraft list - list all arenas
  • /bombercraft stop <ID> - stop game in arena and kick all players from it
  • /bombercraft edit <ID> - enter edition mode for custom arena
  • /bombercraft config <ID> - show configuration options of arena
  • /bombercraft config <ID> <Option> <Value> -change configuration options of arena
  • /bombercraft top - show stats of all players
  • /bombercraft help - list of all availble commands

  • /buy


-Please Visit   There are a ton of commands.

  • /guns help - Lists Help
  • /guns info - Shows Plugin Info
  • /guns give - Gives Gun (from list number)
  • /guns list - Lists Guns
  • /guns listE - Lists Empty Guns
  • /guns add - Creates a Temporary Gun (Like Config)
  • /guns edit - Edits in hand Gun Properties Temporary for Server


-Please visit:


Commands start with /kg

create [name] <target gate name>
Creates a KonseptGate with the name [name] that is optionally already linked to <target gate name>. The target gate does not have to exist yet.
Will create a glowstone block (unless otherwise configured) with a stone pressure plate on it.
It will also turn the two blocks directly ahead of you to air so that you won't suffocate when you emerge from the gate.
Be mindful of what way you are facing, as that is the way people will exit the gate when they arrive.
If the <target gate name> is not given, the gate will go to the default gate as set in the configuration file. If that configuration is blank, or that gate does not exist, the gate will inform any attempted user of this.

delete [name]
Deletes the KonseptGate with the name [name], removes the pressure plate and tries to guess the correct block to have underneath.

move [name]
Same as create in many ways, but the KonseptGate called [name] must already exist, and will be moved here.
Be mindful of what way you are facing, as that is the way people will exit the gate when they arrive.

link [origin] [destination]
When people step on the gate at [origin] they will emerge at [destination]
Both gates must exist.

list <name piece|page>
Shows a list of all the gates.
Give an additional argument to search for gates who's name contains that string.
For example "/kg list foo" will match the gates "food_room" and "kung_foo"
It matches against both source and destination.
If the argument is an integer, it will show the page of that number. For example, "/kg list 3" will show page 3.

Discards all the gates in memory, and loads a new set from gates.txt
This will also refresh all the teleport blocks (including the underblock and pressure pad), and clears out the emergence blocks, setting them to Air.
It will also reload the configuration.
This, of course, happens automagically when you start or reload the server.

jump [name]
Jump to the KonseptGate called [name] right now.
Suggested use for this is for admins to quickly move around. It is not the intention of this plugin to become Yet Another Warping Plugin, so it's not intended for public use.

Tells KonseptGate to ignore you when you step on a pressure plate. This allow you to step onto a pressure plate and use /move to change the direction of that KG, for example.
Lasts until the server is restarted, reloaded or you issue the command again.

  • /lwc - The LWC command for everything, however aliases are available to make some commands shorter. Type /lwc in-game for more detailed help.
  • /cprivate - The alias of /lwc create private (or /lwc -c private), it creates a private protection.
  • /cpassword <password> - The alias of /lwc create password , it creates a passworded protection.
  • /cpublic - The alias of /lwc create public, it creates a public protection
  • /cremove - Allows you to remove a protection you own (or if you're an LWC admin, any protection) - you must click on the protection after using /cremove in order to remove it.
  • /cunlock <password> - Allows you to attempt to gain access to a passworded protection after LWC tells you you attempted to open a password protection.
  • ... more! There are aliases for all major used commands and every alias is not listed here.

MachinaCraft - Donations Only

Please refer to the links for the machine type. There are no commands, just build it.

  • /ban <name> g <reason> - Global ban, only for Grieifing
  • /ban <name> <reason> - Local ban, for everything besides griefing.
  • /lookup <exactplayername> - Shows players ban history.


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  • /md stats ; Tells you what you're disguised or if you are disguised
  • /md ; Turns you back into human form if disguised
  • /md types ; Will give you a list of all valid mob types
  • /md p [nameofplayer] ; Lets you disguise as that player!
  • /md [mobtype] ; Will disguise you as the given mobtype

  • /spleef define arena - Defines arena, check video above
  • /spleef deletearena arena - Deletes arena
  • /spleef creategame game arena <money> - Creates a game. First argument is the game name you want, second argument is what arena it should be on. Third argument is how much money is required to join the game. Must have nSpleef.member.wager to create a game with the money argument.
  • /spleef deletegame game - Deletes the game. If you did not make the game you cannot delete it. If you have nSpleef.admin.deleteanygame, you can delete any game.
  • /spleef join game - Join a game.
  • /spleef leave - Leave the game you are currently in.
  • /spleef list - Lists all the arenas and games.
  • /spleef ready (or /ready) - Silent command for ready
  • /spleef forceready - Forces the game to start
  • /spleef forcejoin player arena - Makes a player join an arena
  • /spleef forceleave player - Forces a player to leave
  • /spleef help <page> or /spleef ? <page> - Help. Each page shows 9 commands.


Use command "/openinv <player>" to open a player's inventory
Use command "/toggleopeninv" to toggle Item openinv:

Hit a player with an item of your choice (STICK by default), and you will open the player's inventory (no damage)
Right click the air with the item opens the last opened inventory (toggle must be ON)
Use command "/anychest" to toggle anychest (blocked chest bypass)
Use command "/silentchest" to toggle silent chest
Use command "/searchinv <Item> [MinimalAmount]" list all players having a certain item in their inventory.
To use a sign for quick access (this uses the normal Openinv.openinv permissions, override and exempt applies), You need:
"[openinv]" (without quotes) on the 1st line
and the player's name on the other lines.


/report <player> <details>

Report a player with the details of their offense.

/report <!/*> <details>

Report an anonymous player with the details of their offense.

/report list

List the number of submitted reports.

/report view <Index/last/all>

View a specific report; the index is the number corresponding to the report index which will be an integer, 1 or higher.

/report request <Player Name>

Prints a list of indexes where the specified player was reported.

/report <delete/remove> <Index/last/all>

Deletes a specific report, or delete all the reports.

/report <complete/finish> <Index/last> [Report Summary]

Marks the report at Index as completed and stores a summary of the outcome of the report.

/report help

Shows help for the report command.

/respond <Index/last>

Teleports to the location of the report; defaults to the reported player's location.

/respond <Index/last> <sender/reported>

Teleports to the location of the report sender or the reported player's location.

/respond help

Shows help for the respond command.

  • /sfspeed [number] or /fly [number] - Sets flying speed to a number 1-10
  • /sfbind or /flybind - Use the command, then press a key to bind the Toggle on/off key to something else

  • /vanish OR /poof - turns you invisible and stops item pickups
  • /vanish list shows you who is invisible
  • /np OR /nopickup - turns off all item pickups
  • /np list - shows you who has item pickups disabled