
~'~'** Hello, welcome to the Rules page of the Infinite Dawn Minecraft server official website. Everyone is highly advised to read the rules, every rule. Breaking a rule will result in a consequence, we don't give you any chances, the rules are easy to see and understand, you should not accidentally break a rule. We use a Plug in called McBans. When we ban you, any other server that uses the plug in (About 80% of other servers) will be able to see why you were banned on our server. So if you grief Infinite Dawn, and we ban you, say right then, or even days later, we can add a note to your ban "Griefed multiple houses" so when you log on another server they can check to see that, and will probably ban you from their server just for seeing your history on servers. **'~'~

First of all, consequences. Some consequences are:
> Fee. We will take money from your balance.
> Jail Time. You can spend minutes to weeks, to even months in jail!
> DeRank. You will move down to your previous rank.
> Account Wipe. We will start you out like a brand new person on the server.
> TempBan. We will ban you for several days/weeks.
> Ban. You will be banned from the server, and noted for what you did on McBans.

---+ Rule List +---
> No Spamming | Do not spam the chat.

> No Griefing | This is a Major rule. Unsure what Griefing is? Griefing is the act of angering people in video games through the use of destruction, construction, or social engineering,

> No Racism Allowed | Such as chat, sculptures, etc.

> No 1x1 or close to 1x1 towers | Do not make these to get up mountains, and if you do, take it down! These are so terribly ugly.

> No digging random holes | If you're going to mine, mine like a normal person :P

>Respect All Players

> Respect the Staff.

> No Mods. We mean it, and we can check. This includes flying, item spawning, x-ray, etc..

> No Duplicators

> No building on other's property.

> There is no way to protect your house from grefiers, however if you grief a house you will get Mcbanned as soon as we catch you.

> Don't be an Idiot | You know when you're acting like one.

> YOU MUST HAVE FUN | Or else.

> Don't nag people.

> No X-Ray Mods/Texture packs. WE know when you're using one.

> Common sense rules | You know when you're doing something you shouldn't.

> Moderators can go invisible and watch you, so don't break rules, just play the game and have fun!

> No mining in the Public mine until you see a sign saying you can.

It is Very Important you visit the page for New Players, which has info about the server you want to know. It is as important as the rules!